Jiangboy Math Tutoring

Jiangboy Math Tutoring

Offers online services
Offers online services


I have a strong background in mathematics. I was primarily an A student in my high school math classes. I learned Pre-Calculus and AP Calculus topics during my freshman and sophomore years of high school and received a grade of A in both classes. Not only that, but I also have a strong background in my academics as well, as I took a rigorous courseload of 13 AP Classes with a 3.91 unweighted cumulative high school grade point average. As a recent student of both of these math classes, I know firsthand the difficult and rigor of many of these high school level math classes. With the right practice and mindset, I believe that anyone can attain an A grade in these classes.


1 employee
6 years in business
Serves Bellevue , WA
Offers online services

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Frequently asked questions

First, I would go over some example problems in the textbook to help them understand the concepts first.

Then, I would have my students do more practice problems that emulate the example problems in the textbook.

If the student gets it wrong, I stop and explain the solution of the problem for them.

We then pick another problem for the student to do, and we move on to the next topic to do practice problems on when the student has successfully done 3-5 problems rights on that specific topic.

I took all these math classes throughout my middle school and high school career. I attained an A grade in many of these classes and I know how to explain the concepts to other students, as when I learned, I had to grasp the concepts for myself and explain it in a way for me to understand as well. 

First lesson is always free. I like to give potential students a free trial for my tutoring methods. After the free trial, I charge 15 an hour.

Services offered
