As an Internationally Certified Writing Tutor through the College Reading and Learning Association with hundreds of hours of experience tutoring students from the undergraduate to the doctoral level, I am highly qualified to assist with your English and writing tutoring needs. I love partnering alongside the individuals I tutor and equipping them with lifelong skills. I can help with immediate goals such as completing a writing project or improving one's essay grade, while always focusing on growing your writing skills and English comprehension to set you up for lifelong success. I have experience working with all kinds of students, including neurodivergent, ELL, etc. I am an empathetic people person who will be patient with you in the learning process and will help guide you toward growth.
My favorite part of tutoring is watching students grow in their understanding of English and writing as I collaborate alongside them and help lead them to the right answer, instead of simply doing their work for them.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
I typically like to do an hour and half for the first session so that I can get to know the student, their areas of concern with English and writing, and begin to collaborate together.
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
I hold a Bachelor's degree in Public Relations and minor in Spanish. I am an Internationally Certified Writing Tutor through the College Reading and Learning Association and have spent hundreds of hours tutoring students from the undergraduate to the doctoral level from three and a half years as the Senior Writing Consultant at Dallas Baptist University.