Northstar Tutoring
I have tutored mathematics since 2001 in Florida - firstr for, what was then, Seminole Community College, and is now Seminole State College, and then for for an eight year tenure, over which I was the only tutor in the company's history to be elecvted Tutor of the Month across the whole site in less than three years. I was one of two tutors in the entire time that the company at the time that I parted ways with tnem that was able to make it from Probationary Tutor to Tutor III in less than a year, and only about 2% of tens of thousands of tutors make it to Tutor III. This is the most senior non-management position, and requires a consistent perforamance of EXTREMELY high quality, including a minimum of 88% of ones ratings being at least 4.8/5.0 I ended my tenure there far exceeding that criterion, with 99,8% of my ratings being at or above that.
I was also one fo two tutors, at the time of my separation from the company, t hat had made it from Probationary Tutor to Tutor III in less than a year. Probartionary Tutor is where you get fired aftet 90 days if you're no good, which Tutor III is the highest non-management position available at the company, and requires a consistent level of extremel0 wonderful service. One of hte ccriterion is that a tutor miss no more than 2 sessions in a yeatr and another is that at least 88% of any given tutor vying for the honor must be at least 4.8/5.0. I have never missed a session in the eight years that I was there, and a full 99.8% of my sessions ended in 5.0 ratings, with not a single one falling below 4.8.
I have not worked there in two years, and am not arrogant, but I believe I was the best tutor at the company, among tens of thousands, at the time.
At the time of my departure from the company, I had achieved something that only I and one other tutor had achievemed, i.e., making it from Probationary Tutor to Tutor III in less than a year. Tutor III is the most prestigious non-managerial position available at the company, and only about 2% of 30,000 or so tutors ever become one.
Two criteria for being so honored are that a) the tutor can miss no more than 2 sessions per year, and must have at least 88% sessions rated at 4.8/5.0 -
During my eight year tenure there, I never missed one session, and a full 99.8% of my sessions were trated at 5.0, with the remaining 0.l2% rated at or above 4.8.
I am comfortable teaching wildly different areas of math, from Statisticcs, Algebra I/II, Combinatorics, Geometry, Trigonometry, Symbolic Logic, Real Analysis, Complex Analysis, Boundary Value Problems, Abstract Algebra, and many other mathematical fieds at least to eome extent,though my specialty is between 7th grade and 4th year college.
I possess a unique ability to illustrate the WHY, instead of the mere HOW that so many teachers foruce upon sudents adn then expect thm to gleefully regurgitate. While I copuld have hidden it, I will also admit that I do have tattoos and dyed red hair, which makes teenagers and/or children into punk/goth/insutrrial/metal, and other darker genres much more at peace with me than they would someone with whom they had nothing in common. I do, however, know to avoid becoming anything more than acquaintances, in any case.
I love the glint in a studen'ts eye that is totally convinced they will never solve anything even wildly , distantly related to the class of problems they're on totally disappear when they're told the "why" and not the "how." For example, if you show a student a rudimentary profof of the Pythagorean Theorem, they are far more likely to remember the basic geometry there than the formulas involved in the Theorem.
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Frequently asked questions
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
BS, Mathematics, University of Central Florida, 2009
Worked for for 8 years, maintaining a 4.8+ rating for my entire tenure, and being elected Tutor of the Month twice in that period, which required me to be both nominated by my direct supervisor, and then being chosen from among nominated candidates by committee based on performance.