Dr Phil’s Tutoring
Thank you for your inquiry. I have hundreds of one-on-one hours tutoring students in math and science,as well as the ACR, SAT, and GRE. I have also helped many other students by providing step-by-step solutions to hundreds of math and science problems for Chegg, the student solutions web site. And I can help you, too.
The tutoring takes place in my office in Chapel Hill, where I keep textbooks and other reference material. We usually begin with a half-hour, no-charge session in which we discuss my tutoring method that features the highly effective Retrieval Practice approach to learning. We also agree on a schedule for future sessions.
For additional student reviews and to learn more about me, please go to my web site: drphilstutoring.com (http://www.drphilstutoring.com). If you would like to arrange an appointment, you can email me at [email protected] or leave a message at 919-455-7129. We can set a time, and I will send you directions to my office, which has free parking and is only a block from the UNC campus. I look forward to meeting you.
Phillip Manning, PhD
Grade level
Type of math
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Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
Hi ,
Thank you for your inquiry. I have dozens of one-on-one hours tutoring students in math and science, as well as the ACT, SAt, and GRE. I have also helped many other students by providing step-by-step solutions to hundreds of math and science problems for Chegg, the student solutions web site. And I can help you, too.
The tutoring takes place in my office in Chapel Hill, where I keep textbooks and other reference material. We usually begin with a half-hour, no-charge session in which we discuss my tutoring method that features the highly effective Retrieval Practice approach to learning. We also agree on a schedule for future sessions.
For additional student reviews and to learn more about me, please go to my web site: drphilstutoring.com. If you would like to arrange an appointment, you can email me at [email protected] or leave a message at 919-455-7129. We can set a time, and I will send you directions to my office, which has free parking and is only a block from the UNC campus. I look forward to meeting you.
Phillip Manning, PhD