I am a certified educator in Fulton County with 10+ years of experience teaching and tutoring. I offer both private, small group, in person, and virtual lessons to help fit everyone's lifestyle and needs. Small group sessions are ideal for families on a budget and more interactive as students can engage with other peers learning the same content. Busier families often love the flexibility of online sessions, and I have methods to make these sessions feel equivalent to an in person session.
My sesions are built around a three-step teaching philiosphy that is data driven and proven to work:
1. Assessment
2. Personalized Instruction
3. Practice and Refinement
I am passionate about teaching and getting a feeling of euphora whenever one of my students earns and A on a test or raises SAT/ACT scores. Their success is also mine.
I also especially love when students ask questions during the lesson since I feed off of this interest and grow even more excited to teach.