Algebra 1 Tutoring

Algebra 1 Tutoring

Offers online services
Offers online services


I have tutored in Algebra 1 for the past 25 years and it's the ONLY math subject I will tutor. If the student has done Algebra 1 with me they will not need my help with Algebra 2. I will have laid the foundation for Algebra. When you complete your request please specify that it's Algebra 1 you want, failing which I will not respond.

I take a student who has hated math and within 2 months the student starts loving the subject, all because they understand the basics and can now apply them.


Hired 3 times
1 employee
45 years in business
Serves Sarasota , FL
Offers online services

Payment methods

Cash, Zelle


Grade level

Middle school, High school, Adult learner

Type of math

General arithmetic, Pre-algebra, Algebra, Geometry

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Frequently asked questions

The best way, I have found through years of experience, is to give a test to gauge the student's level.  I may have to give several going up or down in level to provide me with the math level the student is at.

Remember, a student may be doing work at school, but does not understand the basic concepts of that subject.  So we may have to go back and start from a level that he understands.

I have a Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering

And a Doctorate in Microbiology

My standard price is $35 per hour

I got started during my university days and when I went out into the work force, I just carried on.  I can take a student who hates the subject and move them to an A.  But the student must also participate with homework.  Math is practice, practice and practice.

All students that come to a tutor generally have a very low grade.

If any teacher is willing to give the first hour FREE, then all I can say is that teacher must have a very high confidence on his teaching ability

Services offered

Test Prep Tutoring