Mathnasium Of Ventura

Mathnasium Of Ventura



We teach math in the way that makes sense to each individual student. We focus on conceptual development and deeper understanding of the material. We develop mathematical intuition and number sense...and most of all, we increase confidence and teach students how to enjoy learning math!

I love teaching math. It is my life's passion and purpose. I love sitting with students and watching them experience that "light bulb" moment when the understanding happens. I love seeing students learn to enjoy math instead of fearing it. I love seeing my students succeed.


6 employees
7 years in business
Serves Ventura , CA

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    Frequently asked questions

    We assess the student to find if they have gaps in his or her mathematical development. This asessment is very refined and will tell us the deveopmental level of each student.  

    We then build a personalized learning plan based on the results of that assessment. Each of our students works on materials specifically designed for them. We work at the speed with which the student is most comfortable.

    We offer homework help and test preparation, as well.

    I am a CA credentialed math teacher who taught middle and high school math for 5 years. I taught levels of math that ranged from 6th grade to Algebra II. My instructors are highly trained in the Mathnasium method and closely mentored by me in pedagogy and teaching practices.

    Our program works a bit like a gymnasium membership: we offer unlimited daily attendance for a monthly fee. We offer a 6 month enrollment, a 12 month enrollment and a 24 month enrollment option.

    I grew up attending and working at summer camp, so I've always loved working with kids. From tutoring, to umpiring little league baseball, just about every job I've ever had involved helping kids grow into better versions of themselves. Teaching was the only way I wanted to spend my love and I love being able to truly impact lives for the better in the work that I do.

    We have worked with pre-school children, teaching them the very foundations of math. We have worked with high school students making their way through calculus and preparing for the SAT and ACT. And we have worked with every kind of student between.

    We work with advanced students looking for enrichment, struggling students looking to catch up, as well as those just looking for some greater understanding of the math.

    While it's not a single event, I do this for every time a student comes to me no longer scared of math but now with a true understanding and passion for the subject!

    Find a teacher who is passionate about teaching and passionate about math. Find a place where you feel comfortable and at ease. Find a program that will build your confidence and understanding in math for long term understanding, not just provide answers and help you to "get by" in the short term.

    Is the curriculum of this program what I need?

    Does this program include a plan for me, as an individual?

    Can I commit to the demands of this program in order to be successful?

    Services offered
