Terrell Wade Math Tutor
This is a completely online service. With open communication between student and tutor. Students are welcome to bring up any problem necessary. I mainly do math tutoring but high school biology, HBS, MI, and BI are welcome science focuses. and English Language and Composition, and English Literature and Composition are welcome. I charge based on how many times we speak: $40 per hour for 1-2 days a week, $30 per hour for 3-4 days a week, and $25 per hour for 5+ days a week. I'm willing to negotiate pricing and willing to work weekends to ensure you get all the best possible times for the student.
Being able to help people and keep people informed makes me feel like I've done my part in the world. As a child I wanted to know everything and I still continue my work learning all I can to contribute to the knowledge of the world. Overall I'm happy to help 😊.