Literature And English Tutoring

Literature And English Tutoring

Offers online services
Offers online services


As an actor, entertainer, musician, lover of literature and poetry, I will ensure that your child gets a well-rounded and unique tutoring experience.


1 employee
6 years in business
Serves San Jose , CA
Offers online services

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Frequently asked questions

 Establishing rapport with a new student is always the first step- If a student doesn't trust me personally, they will never trust me academically.

Whatever the subject is, there is always something tangential to it that a student will be interested in. Focusing on existing skills and hobbies and linking them to the academic work is a surefire way to get a student invested.

I set up clear boundaries, expectations, and deadlines and encourage students to do the same for themselves. Teaching is a mutual excercise, and a student can only learn effectively if they know they have structure and clear, defineable expectations.

I have been training adults for many years in the IT field. Additionally I wrote and taught a class at a medium security penitentiary for a few months.

I charge $45/hour for lessons or $80 for a two hour session.

I find that teaching and education in general can be dull, uninteresting, and frustrating for many people- myself included. I struggled with school for much of my childhood, and I believed that I was stupid. I know now that the teacher and teaching process have a lot to do with a student's success. I bring a uniquely engaging personality and mindset to my tutoring work.

Mostly adults, training them for basic computer use and more complex IT concepts. I have also taught inmates in a penitentiary, which was a challenging and unique experience.

Just because you are struggling with a subject, it doesn't mean you are inherently bad with it. Sometimes a tutor is nothing more than another set of eyes to check work or a person to bounce your thoughts off of. Treat your tutor like a resource and don't be afraid to ask them for help every time you struggle.

Needs and wants are different things. What are your wants, and what are your needs?

Services offered
