Tutoring with a Licensed Utah Teacher!! 1 on 1
ALL Math, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, English, Writing, ACT & SAT PREP, GED, Homework Help
Your child's learning style is as unique as their personality. This is why we offer a completely customized learning experience for every student K-12. We are patient and kind and can help children make large gains quickly by using research based practices.
We work to build great relationships with each of our students. This helps foster an atmosphere of learning and will build a foundation to nurture the academic, social and emotional growth of your learner.
Our ultimate goal is the academic success of your child!
We WILL make a difference in your child's education and confidence. You will not only see it first hand but you will read about it in our weekly reports home to you.
I look forward to talking with you to see if our tutoring is a good fit for your family.
Grade level
Type of math
Photos and videos

jennifer M.
Leanne F.
Sara M.
Kim R.
Bo M.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
I use Data Driven Instruction to insure the success of my students. At the start of the proccess, your child will take a diagnostic assessment (free with the first month of tutoring). This allows us to define strengths and potential areas of development. An effective teaching plan can then be created and your child's needs can be met. Furthermore, your child will take a diagnostic assessment test every four months. This allows us to track progress and refocus our goals as things change. Using my methods, I am confident in the future success of your child!
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
What types of students have you worked with?
Jackie's Classroom teaches a wide range of subjects from 1st grade to College Statistics
Students with, or without, learning disabilities
English Langauge Learners
Gifted and talented students and students on an accelerated plan
Students that did not pass a class and are taking couses or finishing packets to show proficency in the class.
Describe a recent event you are fond of.
Let me share with you one of my biggest success stories. I had a 6th grade student come to me that was testing well below grade level on state assessments. I ran our diagnostic assessment on him and created an action plan, customized especially for him, that was based on the data.
By the end of his 7th grade year, district math tests showed him testing above grade level. He had tested into the honors program that year, as well.
I continued to work with him on 8th grade content. The data showed us further areas of opportunity for him in math and english language arts.
By the end of 8th grade, he was granted the opportunity to attend his area's top private school, tuition free.
Experiences like this is why I love teaching and why I have stayed motivated to continue to grow Jackie's Classroom as a teaching service.
I look forward to helping your child!