Ms. Deborah Mathematics

Ms. Deborah Mathematics



I am a veteran teacher with 30+ years experience. I believe every child is entitled to an excellent education.


Hired 1 time
1 employee
2 years in business
Serves Richardson , TX


Grade level

Middle school, High school

Type of math

Pre-algebra, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Pre-calculus

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Frequently asked questions

I ask questions and follow feedback from students.

I am a Texas certified retired teacher. I have taught for 30+ years. Although I have experience in all grade levels and subjects, I prefer Geometry and Algebra.

My home $35/hour.

Your home $40/hr.

I have worked with all kinds of students including those who  could not speak English and other special needs.

What are my stumbling blocks?

What am I doing while I am "studying "?

How often do I ask questions in class?

Services offered
