Excel In English

Excel In English

Offers online services
Offers online services


I am a reading and writing expert committed to guiding secondary students to excel in these skills, too. I will be homework support for your child and also teach strategies to strengthen his or her independent success.


BA English Language and Literature, Smith College, MA

MEd Education, Smith College


Middle School English Teacher, 20+ years

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, 11 years


1 employee
6 years in business
Serves Cedar Park , TX
Offers online services

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    Frequently asked questions

    Meet with parent and student to set focus: weekly homework support; targeted reading and composition strategies; writing portfolio development; oral presentation coaching. 

    BA and MEd degrees as well as years of teaching secondary students and additional years working with teachers on active learning strategies in the classroom.


    My father valued reading and writing. I grew to love both: reading because books took me places I otherwise wouldn't have been and writing because in order to know what I thought I had to see what I said. I also grew up understanding that a work ethic was non-negotiable when it came to personal satisfaction and success. Mastery of the details of reading and writing was at the core of both.

    Children of all temperaments and talents have been my students.

    Students at my school participated in their first-ever Scripps National Spelling Bee pilot competition. Weekly classroom bees were both fun and productive, with nervous excitement and quick growth in spelling and public speaking skills evident.

    Choose a tutor who can show you how to accomplish excellent work in an effective time frame.

    1) What is the first assignment you have due? Is it one that is due weekly, such as "Article of the Week" or a reading log? Do you have the materials you need?   2) Do you want to get the high score? Do you have a list of teacher expectations for content, length/depth, and due date?   3) How can you make this assignment one you care about doing, so it has meaning for you?                                                                        

    Services offered

    Reading And Writing Tutoring