Dan Tutoring

Dan Tutoring

Offers online services
Offers online services


I not only have a passion for mathematics, but I have a passion for assisting others. I have been trained; I posses "Master Tutor" certification from the College Reading and Learning association. I have been tutoring for well over a decade and logged over 100 hours. I enjoy connecting with students from the basic to advanced levels of mathematics. I am very relatable and well percieved by my students.

I consider mathematics to be the language of the cosmos. I am attracted to it's logical and beautiful nature. I feel it is my duty to pass on the information I have learned which I do. It's very satisfing to help a student go from relatively clueless to familiar and fluent in their studies.


Current Top Pro
1 employee
21 years in business
Offers online services


Grade level

Pre-kindergarten, Elementary school, Middle school, High school, College / graduate school, Adult learner

Type of math

General arithmetic, Pre-algebra, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Pre-calculus, Calculus, Statistics

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Frequently asked questions

I establish a comfortable report with the new client.  I ask some general probing questions to get a feel for the student.  Then I get down to business.

In completing a B.A. in business, I have literally completed the coursework for 2 minors in mathematics.  I've long lost track of how many students I've tutored.  I spent three semesters study the craft of tutoring such that the College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) have awarded me their top certificate "Master Tutor".

I bill by the hour, or the fraction of the hour.  My rate begins at $25/hr and depends on my travel time; I am negotiable yet value my time spent one on one with a student.

My calculus professor straight up told me to get a job tutoring math.  He encouraged me to tutor the highest level classes possible.

I've worked mainly with traditional college students, but there have been a few non-traditional students.  When presented with the opportunity I've tutored high school and middle school students.  I've had several clients with the learning disability ADHD.

I helped a student with the trickiest part of Calculus 2 (which happens to be my favorite) for an hour and a half.  Everything the student wanted to go over was accomplished and when the digital session was over I truely felt an appreciation for my services as well as an enjoyment in the time I spent with him.

Hire me.  I give a full 100% while being extreemly patient.  

With what is it that they're struggling?

Do they have any resources like the textbook?

Are they ready to put forth the necessary work that is needed?

Services offered

Test Prep Tutoring