Valerie Samn

Valerie Samn

Offers online services
Offers online services


I enjoy helping students gain confidence and intuition for mathematics. I have extensive knowledge of Next Generation Learning Standards as well as its precedents, allowing me to teach the content the way in which is intended. My focus is on problem-solving, and I help students develop a mathematical toolbox of problem-solving strategies.

I am a certified teacher in mathematics and have taught Algebra I, Algebra II, and Geometry, with 12 years of teaching experience and 8+ years as a staff developer. I am currently a staff developer for teachers of mathematics.

I've worked with students at all age levels, from Kindergarten through adults.

I love when my students begin to realize that they can trust their own knowledge and intuition to solve any problem, even when the solution/process is not immediately obvious. That is when the magic happens--when they can use what they know to get to the next logical step.


Hired 2 times
1 employee
8 years in business
Serves New Rochelle , NY
Offers online services

Payment methods

Cash, Check, Venmo, Paypal, Zelle


Grade level

Pre-kindergarten, Elementary school, Middle school, High school, College / graduate school, Adult learner

Type of math

General arithmetic, Pre-algebra, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry

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Frequently asked questions

In general, I try to tutor myself out of a job. 

I assess study habits as well as thought processes with which the student is most comfortable. Then, I help the student hone the strategies that work for that student, using his or her current assignments and exams.

Of course, I explain concepts when necessary, but whenever possible, I try to put the student in a position to think through the answers on his/her own. 

I was a middle- and high school teacher for 12 years, and am/was a math staff developer for 8+ years.

Education: MIT, '96; Teachers College at Columbia University (ABD); MA and certified in Secondary Math Education.

It depends on the subject matter and amount of travel required. I'm open to negotiation, but on average,



High School (Algebra/Geometry/GED) -$95/hour

High School (Advanced subjects/SAT) - $110/hour

When I was in 4th grade, I learned some American Sign Language and asked the Kindergarten teachers if I could go to their classroom to teach sign language during my recess period. Amazingly, they let me, and I've loved teaching ever since.

I've taught in inner city schools in NYC, including one-on-one with students with disabilities. With students at any level, I can quickly assess their natural abilities and work from there.

I think it is important to temporarily set aside worries about grades/testing etc. and just focus on developing conceptual understanding and problem-solving. While this may not be the best thing short-term, I really believe that it pays off long-term. Rather than just "going through the motions" to get through the course, it is better to develop abilites that you can rely on for the rest of your life.

Services offered

Computer Engineering
Test Prep Tutoring