We are exceptional Math tutors with a proven process of identifying the holes in a student's math knowledge and filling them in with personalized 1-on-1 lessons. We have a track record of raising grades, increasing understanding, and improving confidence. Our founder Adam Shlomi scored in the top 1% on the SAT, went to Georgetown University, and has been tutoring math for seven years. We also offer free tutoring to those in need — money shouldn’t stop someone from achieving their dreams.
Tutoring is incredibly rewarding. All our lessons are one-on-one which allows us to make real bonds with our students. The chemistry between student and tutor helps us motivate, inspire, and teach students with a new level of effectiveness. We are also able to help students in need through our SoFlo Scholarship.
Grade level
Type of math
Photos and videos

Kangsoo Y.
Jessica Z.
Nathaniel S.
Daniel A.
Aariv G.
Sandy D.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
The incoming student will complete a diagnostic assessment so we can assess their strengths and weaknesses in order to make a personalized growth strategy.
But the diagnostic test is optional. Students looking to start ASAP will often skip the diagnostic so they jump right into lessons.
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
I scored in the top 1% on the SAT, have been tutoring for 7 years, and went to an elite university. All of our tutors majored in math or education at top schools and our most recent hire graduated Cum Laude from Princeton.
We mostly hire education or math majors because they know the core concepts well, are passionate about educating, and can break down challenging concepts into easy-to-understand steps.
Do you have a standard pricing system for your lessons? If so, please share the details here.
In-person tutoring is $120/hour. We also offer Zoom tutoring at the more affordable rate of $90/hour. There are no contracts or long-term obligations so you will only pay us if you like us.
How did you get started teaching?
Adam Shlomi founded SoFlo Tutors with 5 years of tutoring experience, a Georgetown education, and a shattered ankle.
Adam had been living in Washington D.C., but after breaking his ankle while camping with friends in West Virgnia he was forced to return to South Florida for surgery and recovery because of his health care policy. Adam was unable to put any pressure through his leg and his future was in doubt as doctors suggested he might never walk again. Despite the adversity, Adam committed to positive thinking and worked everyday to improve his physical health. At the same time, he began to take tutoring seriously, by building a website, establishing a legal company, and marketing to friends & family. Adam previously worked at College Experts and then later for College Vine, and felt confident in his ability to improve grades and connect with students. Thus SoFlo Tutors was born. But SoFlo was a part time operation. During the day, Adam worked as a data analyst for a local bank, helping them automate credit models.
Eventually, Adam’s ankle began to heal and daily physical therapy became a necessity. The comfortable bank job wasn’t able to fit into Adam’s recovery schedule and he was forced to quit his job and focus his attention on strengthening his leg so that he would be able to walk again. However, things happen for a reason and shortly after leaving the bank, word of Adam’s exceptional tutoring began to spread. Students raved to their friends and parents wrote shining reviews. Adam soon had to hire and train tutors to handle the number of students seeking him out for tutoring.
Adam worked hard to search for incredibly talented tutors who were fun to work with and knew math exceptionally well. From there he began to train them, imparting all the tricks he has learned over the years. In order to better train students, he also started the SoFlo Scholarship fund so that recent hires would be able to get experience working with real students. This program solved two problems as low income students were able to access tutoring and tutors were able to hone their skills.
Now SoFlo Tutors works with students across the world and Adam works hard daily to ensure students improve and tutors are receiving exceptional training.
What types of students have you worked with?
We have worked with students from all over the country for both excellence and remediation. We put a lot of thought into the pairings between student and tutor to ensure there is chemistry and connection between the two.
Describe a recent event you are fond of.
A mother came to us in tears because her daughter scored an 11 on the ACT. She was embarrassed and ashamed, but we told her that everyone starts somewhere and we’d like to sit down with her daughter to see if we can help. After months of hard work and studying the daughter brought her ACT score up 11 points to a 22. Now she can qualify for an athletic scholarship at West Point. Life changing score increase.
What advice would you give a student looking to hire a teacher in your area of expertise?
Choose a tutor that you feel comfortable with. Student tutor chemistry is key to success. If the student likes their tutor, they are more likely to pay attention, more likely to do their homework, and more likely to improve their score.
What questions should students think through before talking to teachers about their needs?
How have I been studying for the class so far? What has worked and what has not? We do not want to repeat the same mistakes as a past tutor.