AR Tutoring

AR Tutoring

Offers online services
Offers online services


I work with individuals on a personal basis, which means I determine their needs and after understanding their experience and optimal methods of learning, I can provide assistance tailored to them. Every person has a different educational history, so acknowledging that is the first step in being clear and concise with tutoring. I have worked for companies that have tutors read from established prompts, and I have seen tutors go through an entire topic when the student only struggles with a very small part. I believe my primary job is to facilitate the learning, not act as a temporary instructor. This is what sets me apart from other individuals or sites.

I love the genuine connection made in helping students understand a difficult concept! This is extremely rewarding to me, and this passion ultimately benefits the student.


1 employee
4 years in business
Serves Lone Jack , MO
Offers online services

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Grade level

Middle school, High school, College / graduate school, Adult learner

Type of math

General arithmetic, Pre-algebra, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Pre-calculus, Calculus, Statistics

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