Math Tutoring

Math Tutoring

Offers online services
Offers online services


Zoom sessions

helping students understand a subject and gaining the confidence to meet the challenge


1 employee
6 years in business
Serves Birmingham , MI
Offers online services

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Ask this tutor for references. There's no obligation to hire and we’re here to help your booking go smoothly.

Frequently asked questions

Determine objectives for tutoring sessions - such as learn a subject area or rules or methods, how to break problems down, how to tackle story problems, how concepts fit together, etc.

Discuss approach and plan for sessions

Exercise problems

30 years instructor at Lawrence Technological University for all levels of mathematics

$30/hour session on Zoom

I started tutoring college students that needed help gettting through a class but switched to teaching college math classes. 

college students - local and international students

I love finding math principles that show up in movie and TV shows. 

The best learning occurs when there is a good relationship and understanding between the two parties. 

It is best to have a good idea of a short-term and long-term objective for the sessions.  Keep them in mind because they may change over time. 

Services offered
