I was an elementary school teacher for many years. I stopped teaching to raise my kids but they are now in college and I love working with children again. I especially enjoy teaching kids how to read! It is so exciting to watch them beam with pride as they become readers! I play lots of fun reading/phonics games which keeps the kids interested.
I adore working with children and teaching them to be more fluent readers. It's the greatest joy to watch a child learn to read for pleasure. It is such a wonderful gift that you can use for your entire life. You don't need anyone else to do it and it's very entertaining.
I have been teaching kids to read since 1995, first with my first and second grade students and later with my own children. I used to teach first grade at Sandy Spring Friends School in Sandy Spring, MD and then later I taught second grade at Packer Collegiate in Brooklyn Heights, New York.
I have my Masters in Elementary Education from Johns Hopkins.