Do you have difficulty understanding a new topic? Do you wish learning math was more fun? Have you been lacking motivation to complete assignments? I'm your guy!
I have been teaching and tutoring for 5 years (see reviews) as a Teaching Assistant (TA) at Rochester Institute if Technology and a private tutor in the Rochester, NY area. I have taught all levels of Calculus, Introductory courses for Linear Algebra, Number Theory, and Cryptography, Compuer Science courses, Greek Classics, and American History.
It's important to me that my students are sucsessfull and truly understandthe material. The reviews I have recieved on here have been heartwarming and motivating. Hearing of my students getting A's and becoming passionate about learning bring me a pride and fulfillment unatainable in any other way.
When I teach I always match my teaching style to the learning style of my students. There are three things I usually try to communicate to my students:
1. What? The material in the course.
2. Why? A motivation/excitement to learn.
3. How? Study habits/strategies that allow them to imrove after the tutoring session is over.
My day job involves me learning from some of the smartest professionals in my field. I work with former program managers from prestigious research organizations (MIT Lincoln Labs, NASA JPL, ..) and I learn a lot.
When I was an undergraduate student at RIT I loved toggling between learning from my professors and giving back and teaching/tutoring for the courses I had taken the previous years. I was a teaching assistant for 3 classes and a private tutor for 5 students over the course of my 5 years at RIT.
Getting people excited about math, physics, or computer science brings me a joy and sense of fulfillment that I cannot find anywhere else in my life. I love my research position and I am glad to be learning as much as I am, but learning without teaching is simply not the life I want to live.
Photos and videos

Jason A.
Georgi T.
Brad Y.
Will C.
Katherine C.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
My typical process when working with a new student is to ask them three questions. Then based on those answers to teach what the student wants to learn in the way they want to learn it.
1. "Describe the best teacher you've ever had" Most students do not know their "learning style", but they probably have had at least one favorite teacher. I find it's important to ask people how they prefer to learn and teach them accordingly. Education is not a "one size fits all" solution and I do my best to customize my teaching style for each of my students.
2. "What types of learning/studdying tools do you use?" Learning what tools students use already will give me a sense of several important pieces of information. Some students have no tools and might not study independently at all. This is an opportunity for me to teach good study habits along with the subject matter. Some students are already using tools they like. This will allow me to better understand how they prefer to learn and I can build my lessons using my students tools
3. "What are you hoping to get out of this?" Understanding what a student is hoping to gain out of a tutoring experience is perhaps the most important question. If the student wants to learn more than what is in the textbook, I can help with that. If the student wants a simple supplement to their course material and some help and guidance on homework, I can help there too. I am also perfectly fine with students who simply want to learn what they have to as quickly as possible and never touch the material again. I cannot teach students who do not want to be taught. I can motivate students and get them excited, but if it is part of a student's plan to not learn, unfortunately they will succeed.