Brian's Tutoring

Brian's Tutoring



I am flexible with the study material and focus on what the family needs. If the student needs help with math one session and then history the next, I can adapt. I have a daughter in grade school, so I have firsthand experience at what today's students are going through.

I want to give my students the support and advice I was unable to benefit from at their ages.


1 employee
31 years in business
Serves Palatine , IL

Payment methods

Cash, Check, Zelle


Grade level

Pre-kindergarten, Elementary school, Middle school

Type of math

General arithmetic, Pre-algebra

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Frequently asked questions

I interview the student, identify any challenges, and set up a strategy.  In particular I help with study habits and pacing along with the subject in question.

I have been a tutor since college (over 20 years).

I have a master's degree in Anthropology.

I am self-taught in an Associate's in Insurance and have an A+ certification in computers (also self-taught).

My fee is standard at the posted rate per hour. I can meet multiple hours per session; usually I only charge $half my posted rate for the first hour of the first session to get to know the students, their families, and what challenges they are currently facing.

I started tutoring when I was in college at Northern Illinois University as part of their peer assisted learning program.

I've worked with boys and girls, grades 3 through high school.

Among my favorite events are when I received a text from a grateful mother, letting me know her son has passed a test I helped him with.

Look for patience, flexibility, and persistence.

Think carefully about specifically what their challenges are, a specific exercise, test, or general study habits.  It also helps to think about whether a short or long term goal is needed.

Services offered
