Mathnasium Of Naperville

Mathnasium Of Naperville



Our specially trained math instructors will teach your child how to understand math in an individual setting – our unique approach enables us to effectively explain math concepts and lend a helping hand to every student. Our tutors foster a caring, encouraging environment that helps kids thrive and learn!

We pinpoint your child’s learning needs, meet them where they are, and take them where they need to go.

Mathnasium instructors use our unique assessment process to determine (with great accuracy) exactly what each child knows and what they need to learn. Next, we design a customized learning plan for teaching the concepts the student needs to master. It doesn’t stop there – our encouraging instructors continually check progress along the way to make sure kids truly understand and retain the concepts we’ve taught. The results are transformative – kids will see measurable changes in attitude, confidence, and school progress.

When math makes sense, it builds confidence in children. We have been in business in Naperville area around 6 years and have taught almost 1000 students to excel in their school.

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10 employees
14 years in business
Serves Naperville , IL

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Frequently asked questions

We do a comprehensive assessment to gauge each student's skills and identify their gaps in learning.  We create an individualized learning plan and work through the topics in the plan.  After each topic is taught, there is a quiz where the student needs to demonstrate the mastery over the topic

Each instructor is hired only after they complete a written assessment. For their training, they have to do several periodic training modules in Mathnasium University.

I love math and I love kids.  It was my destiny to be a math teacher.

We have worked with students of all abilities and all grade levels.  We work with students that need to catch up, keep up or get ahead.

I am very fond of Ragnar, a 200 mile relay racing event that I attend every year.  I am an avid runner and do several races a year that I hold dear to my heart.

When you hire a tutor, make sure that they have the ability to teach in multiple ways.  Not all students are same kind of learners.  Some students respond better to visual learning while others might be auditory or tactile learners.  It is important to make math make sense to the student.

Services offered
