Ace English Tutoring

Ace English Tutoring

Offers online services
Offers online services


Few things satisfy me more than when a student accomplishes a learning goal that at the beginning they were uncertain they could achieve. I love working with students who have questions, who get absorbed in their learning, who want to succeed.

I have 30 years’ experience teaching composition and literature at Triton College, Moraine Valley Community College, and College of DuPage. I have also tutored at Huntington Learning Center and online at

I hold an M.A. in English from the University of Connecticut. I was nominated for the outstanding adjunct teacher award at Moraine Valley Community College and was given an outstanding adjunct teacher award at College of DuPage. I have published articles in the Chicago Sun Times, Yoga Journal, and the Chicago Tribune, and my poems have been published in the Christian Century, Epos, Tucumcari, and Hellas.


Hired 1 time
1 employee
4 years in business
Serves Lombard , IL
Offers online services

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Frequently asked questions

I like to get a clear idea of the assignment the student is working on. If the student is not clear, I help him or her get a clear idea of the assignment. If we're working on grammar, instead of simply giving students answers, I ask questions that will prompt them to remember what they've already learned or reveal where they need to learn something new. If we're working on literature, I ask questions that will allow students to find ways to personally relate to the text while still coming up with defensible analyses and interpretations of the work being studied.

30 years' experience classroom teaching of English as well as one-to-one tutoring of students online and in person at College of DuPage. 

Services offered
