I studied math and science for years as an engineering student, and later I saw first-hand the value of all that hard work and knowledge as I applied it toward fascinating projects.
Tough subjects require motivated, curious students. By reframing problems, explaining concepts in familiar terms, and providing real-world examples, I show my students why they should care and what's in it for them. From there, their natural curiosity does the rest of the heavy lifting and I simply gudie the way.
Skills in math and science are critical to success in school, work, and life. I believe that an analytical approach can be used to inform any situation, or guide any decision, and often times it should!
I draw a lot of inspiration from this video, and very much appreciate the concept it presents of mathematics as a way to understand the world:
I specialize in working with gifted students. From personal experience, I know that it can be hard to care about a new concept or algebraic technique when you don't see how it could impact your life. As a tutor I invite my students to explore and apply the concepts we study in real-time, creating an open and engaging atmosphere conducive to learning.
I enjoy giving young people analytical tools and learning techniques they can use forever, to improve their own life as well as the lives of those around them.
When I hear my student's voice change to reflect curiosity, interest, or confidence, I know that I'm heading in the right direction. What I love most about my work is the satisfaction felt by my students after fully understanding a new concept, acing a big test, or solving a tough problem. (It's sometimes accompanied by "Ohhh!")