Sofia At SoFlo Math Tutors
Fun fact: the most rewarding part of tutoring for me is when a new concept “clicks” with a student - their excitement is contagious, and it’s a privilege to be able to help them reach that point! My name is Sofia. On a personal level, and with students, I am a patient and nerdy type of person, and I love to travel!
I partner with students on a one-on-one basis in STEM subjects through SoFlo Tutors, my tutoring agency. I graduated from Texas A&M University with a degree in Computer Engineering and have been tutoring for several years. Math and Science require the identification of gaps in a student’s knowledge of a subject and the assistance to fill them in with individualized lessons! At SoFlo, we want to raise grades, strengthen understanding, and increase confidence. In the long-term, we hope to work ourselves out of a job by helping your student reach their fullest potential!