Vanessa Thomas Tutoring

Vanessa Thomas Tutoring

Offers online services
Offers online services


As a mom to 4 kids (elementary age through high school), I know the importance of patience and kindness when it comes to learning. With math, even more so. I focus on challenging kids who love math and also taking the student who says “I’m not good at math” and helping them discover they are more than capable.

I’m a nationally certified tutor with 15 years of teaching experience. Available for in person tutoring in Huntington Beach, California and surrounding areas. Online tutoring available nationwide.


Hired 2 times
1 employee
4 years in business
Serves Huntington Beach , CA
Offers online services

Payment methods

Credit Card, Cash, Check, Square, Apple Pay


Grade level

Pre-kindergarten, Elementary school, Middle school, High school, College / graduate school, Adult learner

Type of math

General arithmetic, Pre-algebra, Algebra, Geometry

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Services offered

Test Prep Tutoring