If you're struggling with math, it's not because you don't have "the math gene" (there's no such thing). It's because you're going about learning math the wrong way. I train you to learn math the right way.
What do I mean by this? Take my short true or false quiz:
1. (T/F) The best way to get good at math is to do as many homework problems as possible.
2. (T/F) After reading a math problem, you should know exactly what steps you need to take to solve the problem, otherwise you don't know how to do it.
3. (T/F) It's impossible to know how to solve a certain "type" of math problem until someone teaches you how.
If you're like most people, you answered all three questions with "True". This is why you struggle with math.
Want to find out why all three are false? Want to know why this is good news for you? Send me a message and we'll set up an appointment.
Talent is developed, not inborn. When you develop your talent, your fears and stress around math will start to melt away as they are replaced by newfound confidence and strength. I enjoy helping you along on this journey.