I have years and years of experience in tutoring people in math and science, for free. It's my passion and something I really enjoy doing. I'm currently in between jobs as a Biomedical Engineer, so I've been trying to make a bit of money doing it, but I always pride myself on figuring out exactly what it is the student is missing and try to provide both what it is they're missing and a framework for how they can prevent the problem from recurring as they move forward.
I don't just teach math and science, I try to teach people how to learn subjects they're having problems learning.
Tutoring for me is about understanding the material at a deep enough level to teach it and establishing a personal relationship with the student so I understand exactly what's missing in their thought process and where the gaps in understanding are.
For example, I have tutored someone in Calculus who misunderstood a basic concept in Algebra, and rather than gloss over the problem and continue to spoonfeed them, I insisted that we return to the basics, relearn the parts of foundational math that they were struggling with, and then returned to Calculus. I found that soon after, they no longer needed my help, and that, as someone who enjoys teaching, is the best thing that could possibly happen.
Grade level
Type of math
Katelyn S.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
I first try to see if we're a good fit(usually a free consultation), if we can speak openly and honestly with each other, and I mostly try to understand exactly what it is that is keeping them from understanding the material. I usually go through problems with them and have them dictate every step when it comes to math, or try to get a detailed explanation when it comes to science, and their problems generally emerge just by having this conversation with them.
From there it's just about coming up with a solution in the long term and helping them not fall behind/catch up while staying on top of the current workload.
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
My previous work experience has always involved teaching people. I've formally worked as an in-person tutor for a year and a half, but I've been tutoring and teaching people all my life.
Do you have a standard pricing system for your lessons? If so, please share the details here.
I offer with $30 these days in general, but, I think everyone has their own financial needs and right now it's a very rough time for a lot of people. I want to be paid, but I understand that people are in different financial situations and I want to be understanding. My prices are negotiable.
How did you get started teaching?
I've been teaching Math and Science since I was in high school, to friends and family and friends of friends.
I teach people in my hobby communities. I'm known as someone who enjoys teaching people complex activities.
What types of students have you worked with?
I've generally had the most success with self-starter students who are motivated and who treat me like they would anyone else and can speak honestly about their problems.
When we both genuinely enjoy each others' company, the teaching and learning happen seamlessly and smoothly.
What advice would you give a student looking to hire a teacher in your area of expertise?
Shop around! There are a lot of people out there, take the time to find the person who's right for you.