Noah Bliss
Hello! My name is Noah Bliss and I am a tutor in physics, chemistry, computer science, and mathematics. I have a degree in mathematical physics and a minor in computer science and feel comfortable in all thing STEM.
My style of tutoring revolves around building upon the knowledge you already have, but taking time to reintroduce concepts you may have missed in class. By taking time to understand what you have and have not learned, I give a personalized private lesson on the key topics needed in order for you to earn the grade you want.
In classrooms, teachers are often focused on covering as much ground as possible at the cost of instilling an intuitive understanding of the material. In my sessions, I use clear examples to insure you understand exactly why we do things the way we do. Often, there is a key concept that students are misunderstanding that holds them back, but a great explanation can give astounding clarity to a troublesome topic. I hope to clear up misconceptions and hone intuition on topics students find confusing.