Math And Physics Tutoring

Math And Physics Tutoring

Offers online services
Offers online services


I have been tutoring since I started my undergraduate physics degree in 2016. I am currently studying physics as a PhD student and have extensive knowledge in math and physics as well as some experience in computer science. I feel that every student is capable, often what is missing is individualized instruction in a way that makes sense to them.

My favorite part of tutoring and teaching is seeing the student understand a new subject. The joy of learning something new is amazing.


Hired 1 time
1 employee
4 years in business
Serves Los Angeles , CA
Offers online services


Grade level

High school, College / graduate school, Adult learner

Type of math

Trigonometry, Pre-calculus, Calculus, Statistics

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Frequently asked questions

I usually begin with a brief review of some of the students course material to get identify where a student is strong and where a student needs help. I feel that every student is capable and usually is only missing the right instruction. 

I am currently a masters student in physics. I have been tutoring through my university for 5 years. 

I charge a flat rate of $60/hr. I have discounted my rates occasionally for special exceptions. 

I started tutoring as a volunteer at my undergraduate university and loved teaching and helping other students.

I have primarly worked with college level students since I started tutoring at my university, but I have worked with a handful of younger students.

Look for a teacher who is knowledgable enough in their field to present information in more than one or two ways. The biggest draw back of modern education is new information is only presented in one or two perspectives and many teachers struggle to make connections.

What subjects am I struggling with? Where am I strong as a student? At what point do I stop understanding the material? If you can pin point exactly where you are getting lost then it really makes filling in the gaps easier. It's ok also if you can't, understanding what you don't know is the first step of learning. 

Services offered
