Bianca Williams
In my family, the importance of education has always been stressed. My parents and grandparents instilled a love of learning in me very early in life that has continued throughout my education. I hope to share that love of learning with my students with every tutoring experience. I have both a bachelor's, masters, and doctoral degree in chemical engineering. My education at all of my institutions provided me with a strong foundation in mathematics and chemistry. I have completed extensive coursework in both those areas.
As a tutor, I work to help students to improve their grades and gain confidence in their abilities. I take a personalized approach where the student and I work together to target their specific blocks in understanding on a subject and identify a plan to improve. Tutoring students is a very rewarding experience for me and through teaching, I hope to inspire students to become the next generation of engineers, scientists, and other professionals.
I currently teach general chemistry, trigonometry, and calculus for college students and adult learners. Please contact me for any questions or for more information about the subjects I am available for and for scheduling.