Vic's Professional Tutoring

Vic's Professional Tutoring

Offers online services
Offers online services


Hello, I'm Victor! I'm here to help with your language and tech learning needs. I've been tutoring since I was an undergrad at UCLA and enjoy guiding people to their "Aha!" moment of understanding.


Hired 1 time
1 employee
12 years in business
Serves Vista , CA
Offers online services

Payment methods

Venmo, Paypal, Apple Pay, Google Pay

No reviews (yet)

Ask this tutor for references. There's no obligation to hire and we’re here to help your booking go smoothly.

Frequently asked questions

Needs Assessment

Develop a learning plan

Execute the plan

Continuous evaluation and adjustment

Exit review

* Top grades in writing, social science, and language courses from UCLA

* Top grades in USD Paralegal Program

* Experience working with youth and adult learners

* Fluent Spanish speaker with formal written knowledge, intermediate Portuguese speaker and reader, intermediate French reader

Prices generally range from $25-$35 per hour and are based on:

* Frequency of sessions

* Subject matter and extent of help required

* Travel distance or remote/online tutoring

I've always helped fellow classmates in school with understanding class material, then in 2009 I was a volunteer tutor in college for elementary students who later helped run the program. Since then I've been a hired tutor on and off over the years.

Elementary, Middle, High School, and adult college students, also non-academic students.

Try to find a tutor who will be compatible personality-wise as well as one who will encourage you and build on both strengths and weaknesses in learning. Have a phone chat, preferably a face to face meeting to see if you're a match for a medium or long term relationship.

Services offered

College Admissions
Social Sciences
Reading And Writing Tutoring