AP Physics Tutoring
My priorities are to communicate topics in the most effective and poignant manner possible.
I feel students benefit from a holistic approach of presenting a topic. It gives the student a global map
with which they can see and appreciate where we are and where we are going in terms of subject
matter. Persistence is vital when mastering physics. Students need ample opportunity to demonstrate
mastery of the subject. Some may get caught up in the algebraic manipulations and miss the rich
concepts underlining each equation. Creating rapport with my classroom is paramount to creating an
attentive and eager learning environment. I accomplish this by making real-world connections and
relevant insight. These connections promote further discussion and spark curiosity bringing even the
driest topics to life. I stay clear of the “chalk and talk” approach of teaching by utilizing computer
simulations or by providing in-class demonstration at every opportunity. The use of multimedia and lab
instrumentation makes the topics come to life. My dynamic teaching style molds to meet the demands
of students of all skill levels. When necessary, some interludes are required to address prerequisite skill
sets. I do this by delivering ad hoc lessons to build confidence and facilitate all styles of learning. The
aforementioned classroom traits foster a nurturing and effective learning space.