How much do AP exams cost?
Livingston, NJ

How much do AP exams cost?

Livingston, NJ

How much do AP exams cost?

$98 – $146cost per exam

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$98 – $146 cost per exam

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Jennifer Carlson
Written by
Jennifer Carlson
Edited by
Kristen Cramer
Fact-checked by
Tara Farmer

AP exam cost

An AP exam costs $98 per exam for students in the U.S., Canada, or U.S. territories. In other countries, the cost of AP exams is $128. You can pay AP exam fees through your school’s website, in person after the exam, or through a vendor like TotalRegistration or SchoolPay.

AP exam fees
Fee description Cost
Exam fee (U.S., U.S. territories, and Canada) $98
Exam fee (everywhere else) $128
Exam fee (AP Seminar or Research exams) $146
Exam fee with College Board fee reduction $53
AP Seminar or Research exam fee with College Board fee reduction $101
Late fee (for exams ordered after November 16th, in addition to the exam fee) $40
Canceled or unused exam fee (instead of the exam fee) $40

What is an AP exam?

An Advanced Placement (AP) exam is a test on one of 38 academic subjects, which students can take starting in 9th or 10th grade. To take the exam, you must register between May and November. Exact dates vary by school, so talk to your AP coordinator for specific registration information.

Students who take AP courses and exams can earn college credits while still attending high school.

Who can take AP exams?

You can take an AP exam whether you’re a high school student, a new or returning college student, or a homeschool student. You can take the exam even if you haven’t taken the corresponding course, although you may not pass if you’re not familiar with the subject matter.

  • You can take the exam regardless of your location or age, as long as you have a valid passport or photo ID.

  • You can take or retake as many AP exams as you want.

Am I eligible for an AP exam fee reduction?

Students with family incomes under 185% of the federal poverty level qualify for up to $45 off their exam fees. This brings the cost down to $53 or $101, depending on the exam type. Students may also qualify if the student or their family:

  • Receives public assistance

  • Lives in subsidized housing or foster care

  • Are homeless, an orphan, or a ward of the state

  • Participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), or the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) programs

The following table shows the maximum annual income to qualify for a fee reduction:

AP exam fee reduction eligibility
Family size Annual income for 48 contiguous
states and U.S. Territories
Annual income
Annual income
1 $26,973 $33,689 $31,025
2 $36,482 $45,584 $41,958
3 $45,991 $57,480 $52,892
4 $55,500 $69,375 $63,825
5 $65,009 $81,271 $74,759
6 $74,518 $93,166 $85,692
7 $84,027 $105,062 $96,626
8 $93,536 $116,957 $107,559
Add for each
additional person
$9,509 $11,896 $10,934

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AP exam subjects

There are 38 AP courses and corresponding exams, as shown in the table below:

AP exam subjects
Subject Courses / exams
Art / humanities
  • Art and Design: 2-D Design
  • Art and Design: 3-D Design
  • Art and Design: Drawing
  • Art HistoryMusic Theory
  • English Language and Composition
  • English Literature and Composition
History / political science
  • Chinese Language and Culture
  • European History
  • French Language and Culture
  • German Language and Culture
  • Government and Politics (Comparative)
  • Government and Politics (U.S.)
  • Human Geography
  • Italian Language and Culture
  • Japanese Language and Culture
  • Latin
  • Macroeconomics
  • Microeconomics
  • Spanish Language and Culture
  • Spanish Literature and Culture
  • U.S. History
  • World History: Modern
  • Calculus
  • ABCalculus
  • BCStatistics
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science A
  • Computer Science
  • Principles
  • Environmental Science
  • Physics 1: Algebra-based
  • Physics 2: Algebra-based
  • Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
  • Physics C: Mechanics
  • Psychology
  • Research
  • Seminar

A group of students taking an exam using school computers
A group of students taking an exam using school computers

AP exam schedule

Students take AP exams Monday through Friday during the first two weeks of May. Depending on the subject, the tests start at:

  • 8:00 a.m.

  • 12:00 p.m.

  • 2:00 p.m. (only for AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism)

Late tests take place during the third week of May. Any student who needs to take a late exam must coordinate with their school's AP administrator.

AP exam FAQs

How long are AP exams?

AP exams typically last between 2 to 3 hours, including a 10-minute break between sections. You’re not allowed to leave even if you finish early, so make sure to use all the time they give you. If you have a disability, you may qualify for extra breaks.

When do AP exam scores come out?

AP scores come out about two months after the exam, during the beginning of July. Exact dates vary slightly. You can see your exam scores through your My AP account on the College Board website. The scores range from 1 to 5. Most universities require at least a 3 to award college credits.

Can you retake an AP exam?

You can retake an AP exam as many times as you want, but since they’re only administered once per year, you’ll have to wait until the next year to retake it.