Shayanne from Miles Tutoring was the tutor assigned and he was helpful, knowledgeable, patient and very good at explaining.
Miles Smart Tutoring Inc
Amy A.
Nadine was an amazing tutor! She helped me pass my math classes. I worked with her from high school until college. Forever grateful for her help!
Mary Lynn H.
We’ve used Prep Academy Tutors this past year and they were AMAZING! It was a great experience and they did a great job accommodating our crazy sport/after school schedule as best possible. They made it easy, were so helpful and were a huge support to my son when he needed that extra help and reinforcement. I would highly recommend them.
Prep Academy Tutors of San Antonio
Christina F.
Mark has been working with my teenage son for two years, first with Algebra and now with Geometry. He not only helps improve my son's grades but also ensures he truly understands the material. Mark is patient, knowledgeable, and dedicated to his success. I highly recommend him to anyone looking for a great tutor!
Cheri T.
Great tutors for my elementary 3rd grader for Math and ELA
Tutor Motion Inc
Ebony P.
Ms. Michelle is an exceptional teacher that truly cares about her students.
She is thorough, organized and well-suited to address a myriad of needs. It amazes me how quickly my son “took” to her and how easily she can make learning fun for him.
My son’s confidence has soared higher than I ever would have expected in such a short period of time. He’s proud to tell his 3rd grade teacher that Ms. Michelle is his tutor.
The day he told me, “Mom, I’m a math whiz!” I knew we had finally found the best tutor. Ms. Michelle is truly an answer to prayer!
If you need an incredible tutor, look no further. You won’t regret it. I promise.
do not wait. M2EDUCATE
Carlye P.
I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to have worked with Eileen as my tutor. While enrolled in a Discrete Mathematics course for my Computer Science Master's program, I faced significant challenges, particularly since I had not taken a mathematics course in over 20 years. The stress was overwhelming, and I found myself losing sleep over the difficulty of the material. Eileen, however, took on every problem I presented with remarkable patience and skill, breaking each concept down in a clear and concise manner. For the first time in my life, I was able to truly grasp the concepts of mathematics.
Eileen consistently went above and beyond, dedicating extra time to particularly challenging problems until she was confident in our understanding. There were even moments when we collaboratively identified errors in the professor's materials that were later confirmed to be accurate.
Initially, I was hesitant about the investment in a tutor, but Eileen's expertise and engaging personality made the experience incredibly rewarding. Her teaching style and deep knowledge have left me wishing I had encountered a teacher like her much earlier in my academic journey. Had I done so, I might have developed a genuine enjoyment for mathematics.
Just hire her.
Eileen Zeiller
Karen M.
My son told me that his hour-long tutoring session today felt like 10 minutes and that it was fun! He understood the material enough to work his way successfully through the end of the lesson independently. Worth every penny!
Dewey Smart - Ivy League Tutors and Counselors
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