Grace Math And Science Tutor

Grace Math And Science Tutor



I am a current teacher at a private school. I specialize in general math thru algebra.

I also have experience with the learning disabled.

I have a biology degree and am well versed in all sciences.

I teach mostly middle school-age students.

I have over 20 years of experience and would love the opportunity to help your student achieve excellence.


1 employee
7 years in business
Serves Olympia , WA

Payment methods

Cash, Paypal


Grade level

Elementary school, Middle school


Chemistry, Biology, Anatomy, Earth science

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Frequently asked questions

I see how they work the problems then work out strategies to solve problems correctly.

I have a BA in Biology, and a MA in Education 

I charge $40 per hour

I answered an Ad in the paper for a biology teacher.  In the classroom is where I always was suppose to be.  The joy seeing a student finally get a concept was so exciting.  Teaching is the profession I was made for.

Students who are having difficulties understanding the concepts because they find it hard to concentrate. Students who are finding math very hard.
Worshiping Jesus is what I love. Serving Him in my teaching is very rewarding.

Services offered
