I have been teaching different kinds of Mathematics for several years now. If you are having a hard time with Basic Math, Elementary Math, Algebra, Geometry and Calculus, please give me a call and I will be very glad to help you out! I also have tutors that work with other subjects and i will be happy to link you up with them.
Currently i am working as a Math Tutor at the tutoring cottage, in Pecan Grove TX. I have been with them for the past 4 years and the teaching experience with them has been full of excitement, thrill and learning.
My way of teaching includes using different supplemental tools as i find necessary. One of it being Khanacademy.com, where i assign homework to students, and make sure they work on it at home. It helps me keep track of where my students are, and also will let parents have their own dedicated portal.
I enjoy interacting with the Kids on their level of intellect. I am myself a PC gamer and a fan of basketball, so trust me , i always have something to talk about when a student gets bored and side tracked. I also love watching students grow over time with their MATH skills. It always amazes me the difference i make over a period of time, when i tutor them consistently. Not to mention, most of it is straight up their hardwork and dedication to learn.