BS and MS in Chemistry
College Algebra instructor for 2 years
+95% student satisfaction rate
College Chemistry instructor for 5 years
Math explained by a non-mathematician.
Algebra, Math, Chemistry and online teaching certifications.
Youtube channel: mathfromamortal
Vianey T.
Jonathan C.
Miranda V.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
I like to introduce myself and understand the issues or problems the student is having. What is setting back the student from learning. Is it the book? Is it the instructor? Is it the material? Then I like to solve math problems in the simplest way possible for students to understand it!
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
I have been teaching math and chemistry topics to college students for about 9 years. I have online training certifications, algebra, fractions, basic math and chemistry. I have thought about 30 math courses in the past years, all with very high student satisfaction surveys.
How did you get started teaching?
It has always been my passion to teach, since high school where I trained fellow students to the chemistry contests. Since Then I have always been a teacher to college students.
What types of students have you worked with?
I have had students from ages between 14 and 70 years. Students that speak English and/or Spanish. Students that are quick learners and slow learners. Some students prefer reading and some others prefer demonstrations.