A Plus Tutoring
I have been tutor/teacher for over 20 years with teaching qualifications from Ontario College of Teachers in Mathematics and ESL.
I am a full time Math tutor, not the one just running a side hustle to make additional money on another career path. I have a plethora of satisfied cliental references from all over North America, who will readily endorse my claim of being a successful teacher.
Teaching is my passion and profession. I help students using customized work sheets on every topic in Mathematics with abundance of practice. I firmly believe in 'Practice makes perfect' and use tailor made teaching aids to facilitate gradual advancement through practice.
My online classes don't feel boring or teacher centered as were experienced in COVID 19. I use online Math Tutoring white board which is 100% real time interactive and keeps learners engaged all the time. Give me a try if your time requirement matches my slots available, we may get along from there.
Thank you so much for your patient reading!
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Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
I use real time interface whiteboard to interact with students which makes it like in person tutoring session. Students practice sums on the whiteboard and I correct with the prompt feedback which boosts learning.