Real History

Real History

Offers online services
Offers online services


There is nothing more dramatic that real history. History is complicated and nuanced, just like people are complicated and nuanced. I embrace the challenge of teaching it because it is so much more interesting than many one-sided historical narratives. My own research includes Arthur Schlessinger Jr. and Howard Zinn - the conservative and the progressive. The truth is in the primary source documents so I emphasize that form of analysis, which is unique to the historical disciplines.

I love history, I love teaching and I love connecting with students.


1 employee
3 years in business
Serves Philadelphia , PA
Offers online services

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Frequently asked questions

I first ask what their goals are and/or their struggles with the subject. 

Then we talk about learning styles.  Are they visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learners.  

I also ask them what their favorite teachers or type of lessons are. 

All of these help me to customize my teaching for them.

BA in Social Studies Education

MA in US History

13 years of secondary teaching experience

I followed in my father's footsteps and began teaching high school history right out of college.

Juvenille delinquents, honors students, recovering addicts, Christian private school students

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