The Tutor N' Substitute Teacher

The Tutor N' Substitute Teacher

5.0(1 review)
Offers online services
Offers online services


I have been back in the classroom in a near full time basis K12 for a local school district and a local education contractor which gets me out to toledo local charter schools.

I also am gifted and teach music theory and instruments (recorder/saxophone) and can help your student in sight reading music for band class, solo/trio season OMEA, and State level competitions.. I always have a private music instructor and I can tell you what a difference it makes in your student's competition. Be it OMEA trios/dues/quartets solos on Alto Saxophone- you name them, I have likely played them at one point during solo preparation

My tutoring and teaching along with my small business where I sell my arcyllic paintings and other oils, incenses, jewelry, candles, etc...Willing to teach art in mediums such as watercolor, oil pastel, crayon, colored pencil, acrylic painting, drawing and sketching specialty "STILL LIFE"

During year of Pandemic before Educational Staff received their vaccinations; I organized the tutoring of several students studying online from home to keep them up in the curriculum. I will only work with vaccinated healthy individuals. Thank you for your honesty.

I believe God will's the able to help the youth learn from the experienced - any gainful academic thing along with general social skills for students on the autism spectrum, and and one who is could be outside the spectrum of neurotypical..

I believe having a talent is useless unless you trainup someone and pass on that talent.. Keeping it to yourself is an absolute injustice. I support many educational foundations and would be interested in training any young student on winds sight-reading, but alto saxophone particularily is my specialty.

The importance of sharing their gift.. to keep humanity, culture, ideas, familys, neighborhoods, bloodlines flowing with common traditions. At your service.


Hired 1 time
1 employee
14 years in business
Serves Maumee , OH
Offers online services


0 reviews


Vanessa J.

She could help my child with phonics, a step he missed in his reading lessonss
... Show more
May 11, 2022

Frequently asked questions

Establish academic goal- Based on syllabus-requirements or student's personal reflection

Completion of a short pre-assessment so that I can check out areas of weaknesses and strength

Selection of materials based on learning style preferences and needs

Instruct and Teach student subject matter with the use of atleast two methodologies and instructional strategies

Provide feedback throughout lesson

Post assessment of subject-area growth

Services offered

Sign Language