Reading Keys

Reading Keys



I taught 6-13 year-olds for more than thirty years in a private Montessori school. My thirty years of experience has shown me that students learn in different ways and to unlock a student's ability to read you need to find the correct "key". To help me in my quest to help struggling readers I took training in the Lindamood-Bell approach to reading that helps students with decoding the English word and strengthen comprehension skills.

Over the last 4-5 years I have worked extensively with students diagnosed with reading deficits and have watched them develop and strengthen their skills. It is a joy to see the kids who come to me feeling defeated become proud of their acomplishments and become joyous readers.

I love showing students that learning is FUN!


1 employee
9 years in business
Serves Dayton , OH

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Frequently asked questions

Before working with a new student I gather information from the parent and ask for information from the school the child attends. I conduct an informal assesment to gather more information which gives me a starting point to develop lessons and goals for future tutoring seesions.

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