Neehad Islam

Neehad Islam

Offers online services
Offers online services


My main purpose behind tutoring is so someone else can benefit from the things that I have learned. I look at my work as something enjoyable for myself and always look to make it fun for my students. I have also chosen my main profession inspired by the subjects that I teach.

I am an engineer by profession, so I get actual, real life practice of the topics I teach. Despite not being a teacher by profession, I have very extensive teaching experiences from one on one to a whole classroom of 30 students.

I enjoy being able to satisfy a student's willingness to know more. I have taught certain topics hundreds of times but yet I have not become bored of them because it is always a pleasure to be of help.

Also, the specific subjects I teach are the ones I love to study, which makes the job even more exciting!


Serves Alden Manor , NY
Offers online services

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Frequently asked questions

Almost all of my first sessions involve the student showing me a current test or performing an assignment that I then review. This helps me get a very good idea of two things: 1. Their level of understanding of the topic, and 2. Their learning style. Based on this, I plan all future sessions.

I have a bachelor's and master's degree in mechanical engineering, and now work as an engineer.

My pricing is based on grade level and difficulty of subject, but does not vary too much.

My mom, who is a teacher, got asked to tutor two students who were not at the grade level that she taught. She suggested I teach them instead since I was good at that subject. Since that opportunity when I was 15, I have not stopped teaching.

I have worked with students of various backgrounds, learning styles and grade levels.

Make sure you choose someone who will cater to your needs and learning style.

I think they should try to identify what topics they struggle with and what they understand well - being honest about your abilities is very important. This will help the tutor provide lessons better suited to you.

Services offered

Test Prep Tutoring