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I am a professional banker with over 30 years of handsome experience in the area of Banking, Accounting, Finance and General Management.

I have obtained my MBA Degree from the University of Liverpool, United Kingdom. I also have two Diplomas in Financial Management and Project Management, respectively. As a basic qualification, I have obtained B.Sc (Hons.) degree in Geology, Physics and Mathematics.

I have worked in India, Nigeria and Kenya and have also successfully managed several banks as CEO/ Managing Director of the Bank.

I have been associated with many business related matters which I have faced and successfully resolved while performing my various assignments. Therefore, I am in a position to provide realistic answers/ solution to business, finance, management, leadership etc. related problems, either from an academic angle or as a business solution.


2 employees
9 years in business
Serves New York , NY
Offers online services

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Flexible and as per mutual convenience.

MBA ( from University of Liverpool, United Kingdom)

Diploma in Financial Management 

Diploma in Project Management

Handson experience and expertise in Financial Management, Credit Management, Strategy and General Management.

Working Capital Management, Financial Ratio Analysis, Project Finance, Import/ Export/ International Finance, Leadership, Turnaround Specialist.

Flexible Pricing.

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