You have to LOVE what you do & I happen to do so! I'm a U.S. NAVY VETERAN & Professionally Licensed HVAC & Electro-Mechanical Chemical Engineer! That means I can teach / tutor practically ANY Subject matter!
However, my approach is rather unorthodox, 'NOT BY THE BOOK' as some / most would say, but ..., I GET & DELIVER RESULTS! You'll see MATH & SCIENCE in a whole NEW way & perspective & my sessions are FUN, not BORING like an atypical Classroom often tends to be!
Students want / wish / desire to KNOW how exactly this applies to real LIFE & the REAL World, ... I'm able to do that & relate it DIRECTLY to YOU! I've worked many job types over the years & tutored COUNTLESS Students!
Use my vast EXPERIENCE & World knowledge for yourself & YOUR Advantage in going further than you dreamed of being possible! I am diligent, patient, honest & straight-forward on everything!
All I ask is that you come in with an OPEN Mind & ready to learn as much as you can! THANK YOU!!!
My Great-Grandfather, my own Mother, my younger Sister, as well as my Grandfather, x3 Uncle(s), x5 Aunt(s), have all been Teachers & Educators! So you could say the passion for Teaching & Coaching is in my blood.
That being said, what I enjoy most, is when YOU, as the student / pupil, look at me, in the moments when you go or say "OH ..." as in astonishment that the material has suddenly 'CLICKED' or 'Made PERFECT sense' to you! I'll tell you right now, it's going to happen, just as it has with EVERY student that I've ever worked with or for!
Every Teacher will tell you, that they're not in it for the income, the reward comes in 'Making a DIFFERENCE' in YOUR life! That's forever / eternal & a legacy that you leave behind. My own teachers, DETROIT Public Schools, once did the SAME for me! Inspired me to become an Ivy League School Engineer.
Therefore, I see the SKY is & as the limit, when / once I work with you!!
Photos and videos
Robert L R.
Armando R.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
My typical process for working with a student is systematic. As an Engineer, I like to begin by figuring out their WOW (Worst of the Worse) vs BOB (Best of the Best), in terms of performance.
Often times, by figuring out what they don't excel at, we can find & fix the (root-cause) problems a lot more quickly & efficiently (saving YOU more time & MONEY)!
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
-4th Generation Veteran & brother to a H.S. Science & Math Teacher of an Exemplary School.
-Professionally Licensed, Chemical, Design & Electro-Mechanical Engineer for over 20+ years!
-Professionally Licensed Teacher & Substitute in several States across America.
-Took part in the No-Child Left Behind Act in which I was willing to travel into impoverished & adverse Neighborhoods in order to Tutor & reach my students, of which I am very passionate about passing on my World knowledge & Life experiences!
Do you have a standard pricing system for your lessons? If so, please share the details here.
My PRICES are NEGOTIABLE (NAME YOUR OWN PRICE within reason) & I tend to give a lot of EXTRA BONUS TIME! The reason being is that you came here to LEARN & I want you to be Comfortable! NOT to be subjected to price-gauging!
While I am Not FREE, I also do my very Best to make MATH, SCIENCE, READING, etc., FUN for You, or whatever young adult or kid that I am tasked with working with! PARENTS are encouraged to sit-in session if you wish!
Many Parents feel that their child or student are no longer being Taught & provided with All of the necessary skills (particularly with Advanced Math & Science) that they're going to NEED in order to survive in an ever-changing, ever-growing, (Global) World (economy)!
You're already being SQUEEZED right now, to provide for, an ever increasing, more & more, unexpected Expenses & Costs! Home-schooling & Tutoring being only the latest addition, I'm sure?!
So that is why, I strive to change all of that, by making the Tutoring Services AFFORDABLE & CUSTOMIZABLE!
How did you get started teaching?
My Great-Grandfather, my own Mother, my younger Sister, as well as my Grandfather, x3 Uncle(s), x5 Aunt(s), have all been Teachers & Educators! So you could say the passion for Teaching & Tutoring & Coaching is in my blood.
That being said, what I enjoy most, is when YOU, as the student / pupil, look at me, in the moments when you go or say "OH ..." as in astonishment that the material has suddenly 'CLICKED' or 'Made PERFECT sense' to you! I'll tell you right now, it's going to happen, just as it has with EVERY student that I've ever worked with or for!
Every Teacher will tell you, that they're not in it for the income, the reward comes in 'Making a DIFFERENCE' in YOUR life! That's forever / eternal & a legacy that you leave behind!
My own teachers, DETROIT Public Schools, once did the SAME for me! Inspired me to become an Ivy League School Engineer! Write a Thesis Paper for NASA! Join the NAVY to see the World!
Therefore, I see the SKY is & as the limit, when / once I work with you!!
What types of students have you worked with?
I have worked with many students, from a wide range of Years (age 4 - 75), States (41), Countries (5), Cultural/Ethnic & multi-Nationalities.
Some have been ADD & ADHD, Special Needs, Handicapped, Athlete's, Cheerleaders, future-Engineers/Nurses/Doctors/ Lawyers/etc.
Overall, I want to get You or Your student where you want to GO in Life!
Describe a recent event you are fond of.
A recent event that I'm fond of, is something sort of simple! I'm just walking my dog in the park! Thinking about the World from his point of view & trying to relax my mind when of course, I see someone fishing & just enjoy the moment as a sort of calm before the storm & chaos going on. Everyone is distracted by technology, but sometimes, we do need to just take a step back & relax & forget about it all!
What advice would you give a student looking to hire a teacher in your area of expertise?
The advice I would like to give ANY student looking for a Tutor/Teacher is this .....
You should probably like to work with them in some manner or way! It's not just about learning the Subject or Course material, it's about getting prepared for their/your Future!
The Tutor or Teacher should be a mentor & have some Life Experience that they themselves, bring to the Table! I will bring such Experience to the table for you! What to expect down the road as you progress, how to Interview, what Field are you Studying for, etc.
These are Life-Changing & Altering decisions & if you're going to Learn, you need to know What you're studying, Why you're studying it & How does it APPLY to the real-World around you!
Let's not just be ACADEMICALLY Smart, but Wordly & a World-Scholar!
What questions should students think through before talking to teachers about their needs?
Technically, there are No stupid questions. We should try to ask as many questions as we can in some cases! You'll never know what it might unlock in terms of your/their potential & why should the Dreams of a student be squashed before they get to see it into fruition & reality?