Outside The Lines Tutoring With Traci

Outside The Lines Tutoring With Traci

Offers online services
Offers online services


I am a Credentialed Multi-Subject K-12 Teacher with an emphasis on all things Language Arts. The Pandemic has not done education any favors and kids have fallen behind. I want to help kids get to the level they should be at by bringing out their love (even though it may be hidden down deep!) of reading and writing that will translate to amazing grades! I have worked with all ages and levels. I have four kids of my own so I definitely know the patience that is required in parenting/teaching and and would love to help your kids!


1 employee
3 years in business
Serves Raleigh , NC
Offers online services

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Frequently asked questions

Phone or Zoom consultation to discover needs.  Come up with a game plan and schedule visit to start.  Check in with parents and student after each session for updates on progress and things to work on.

I have a degree in Education and a Professional Clear Multi-Subject Teaching Credential from California.  I have tutored kids from Kindergarten through College mainly in English.

Services offered

Reading And Writing Tutoring