PAAP Services
Education: Bachelor of Science (Sociology and Minor in English), Master of Arts in Teaching, Specialist in Instructional Leadership, Doctor of Education
Subjects of Expertise: Language Arts, Writing, Study Skills, and Test Prep
Grade Levels: K-12 & College
Favorite Part of Tutoring: The “light-bulb phenomenon” is what I call it. When a student productively struggles while being guided by me. Something sparks causing the student to correctly take over the lesson.
Jessica Winston is not only an educator but a progressing student herself. She believes that in order to be the best educator or tutor, you have to be the best student. One must always aspire to grow. Jessica hopes to empower all persons to discover their inner strengths and abilities and ascertaining what truly motivates them. Her aim is to impart a stimulating learning environment that encourages tutees to trust their own opinions while strengthening credence for them to perceive their full potential.
Through her teaching experience of ten years, she has found the technique of facilitating, rather than dictating to be a highly favorable style of teaching. If students assist in constructing their own learning experiences, they will not only retain information longer, but they will also become more optimistic in their abilities.