Learning Tiger Tutoring

Learning Tiger Tutoring

Offers online services
Offers online services


Education has always brought me so much joy. The best part of teaching is the light bulb moment that comes when a student finally gets it!

I have taught early childhood since 2016 and took a position in 2019 as a Kindergarten Educator. I have taught 2+ years in the public school setting, 3 years in a private pre-kindergarten setting and will begin teaching a university style homeschool program in the fall, teaching 1st grade.

I took on a position in the last school year to tutor to help meet the needs with students who may have experienced a learning hole in their their learning due to the pandemic. I realized the positive impact that tutoring had on our learners and strongly recommend that if you fell you child would benefit from tutoring, go ahead and go for it. It doesn't hurt to have that extra one - on - one.

I am state certified Early Childhood and Elementary Education. I am able to teach subject areas from birth to 6th grade. I have experience teaching ESL with some local students and I also have tutoring experience from children to adults. I am currently back in school pursuing my master's in Literacy.

I hope to be an amazing asset for your and your student(s). I look forward to meeting with you!


1 employee
6 years in business
Serves Nixa , MO
Offers online services

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    Frequently asked questions

    When meeting with a new student, I never want to bombard them with assessments and checklists of this and that. I like to ensure that we start by finding common ground and finding things the student likes. It's all about the relationship. Once the student is really starting to settle in I typically like to meet and discuss the needs with the parents. From there I really try to get a feel for where they are at as far as their learning goals and where they stand. I use a 3--2--1 system. 1: I need lots of support. 2: I need some support but can do it on my own somewhat. 3: I know it can teach someone. When I figure where they stand I try to come up with a lesson or series of lessons that will help strength that skill you're trying to work on. If there are multiple skills I do try to divide them up into sections across the alloted time.  From there I always want to ensure the student is doing a great job and making sure they're not super exhausted. 

    Early Childhood State Certified

    Elementary Education State Certified

    Emphasis in Child and Family Development

    In Progress: Masters in Literature

    Work related:

    1. Leader in Me Training

    2. Conscious Discipline Training

    3. Kagaen Cooperative Learning

    4. R.T.I Training

    5. Heggarty and Fontes and Pennelle Phonics 

    6. Jan Richardson Literature Workshop and Word Work

    Services offered
