Success In Physics

Success In Physics



I have 11 years fulltime experience teaching Physics (both Calculus and Trig based) at the college level. Students had a high success rate completing the courses I taught and the subsequent courses for which Physics was the prerequisite.

I left the teaching field for industry and had a successful career in this endevor. The time in industry helps me understand what is required by employers and exposed me to some bleeding edge technology.

What do I bring to the single or small group learning environment? I have the depth of knowledge that comes from an MS in Physics and and MS in Electrical Engineering, and more than 10 years of industrial experience. Teaching for 11 years has provided me with the learner awareness that I can adapt my presentation of the material to meet the individual learning style.


1 employee
6 years in business
Serves Blaine , MN

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First off gain an understanding of the student's academic background (strengths and weaknesses), goals both vocational and educational, and where their current difficulties lie. 

Academic experience in the areas I tutor, demonstrated by a BS with majors in Mathematics and Physics, two MS degrees in Physics and Electrical Engineering. 

11 years as a successful college educator in Physics and Calculus.

10 plus years working as an engineer and scientist in industry.

Single student sessions $30/hour within 15 miles radius of my home, one dollar extra for every mile above 15. 

Multiple student sessions $25 for first student and $10 more per student within 15 miles radius of my home, one dollar extra for every mile above 15.

I first tutored Physics while an undergraduate at University of Wisconsin at River Falls.  I taught lab sections of Physics as a garduate student in Physics while working twoards my MS in Physics at Montana State University.

I taught for 4 years at Duchess Community College and 7 years at Bay de Noc Community College.

Ages 15 through 70.

Levels of preparation from outsyanding to limited. 

Students majoring in Biology, Physical Therapy, Physics, Engineering, Mathematics, ...

The picture on my profile shows a recent event where I had some fun.  I caught that Blue Marlin while spending a week in Kona Hawaii.

Make sure the person has a full command of the material and an awareness of how to present the material in a multitude of different ways.  A student seeking additional help outside the classroom is having difficulty learning from the lecture given by the instructor and the textbook, so they need the material presented to them in a different fashion.

Try to understand with high fidelty what concepts they do not understand.  Awareness of what you don't understand is often times difficult to identify if a learner feels lost and/or overwhelmed.  One means of finding holes in your awareness is by carefully reading the text and identifying the first concept you do not understand.  Going over the instructor's lecture notes and/or video and identifying the genesis of your uncertainty.

Having an understanding of where you first start having difficulty allows the teacher you are asking for help a place to start.  I have been confronted with students claiming they did not understand anything and with patience I have helped them identify the areas they need additional help in.

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