Rebecca Yuan Tutoring
Math and Science Tutoring
Senior at Wootton High School, Attending Johns Hopkins
3.98 GPA 4.82 Weighted GPA
Have tutoring experience - helped a student from a C in Algebra 1 to a B+
Call or text 2408834313 for more information
Took Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, Honors Precalculus, AP BC Calculus, Multivariable Calculus (currently taking), AP Statistics (currently taking)
Got A’s in all classes and A’s first quarter in Multivariable Calculus and AP Statistics
Part of Math Honors Society
Can tutor in Chemistry or Biology
Took Honors Chemistry, AP Chemistry, Honors Biology, AP Biology (currently)
Got A’s in all classes and A first quarter in AP Biology
Part of Science Honors Society
I enjoy helping students inprove in their classes and reach their goals. Although I hope to become a doctor, I am passionate in tutoring and helping others, especially kids younger than me. Not only am I helping people, I also learn more along the way.