I begin by demonstrating my understanding and appreciation for the student's learning experience by developing rapport and meeting them where they're at. We set objectives and reduce them down to a plan of action. I assess the student's abilities through tests and determine their weaknesses and strengths, and identify the areas that need work. My approach to tutoring is always to keep things super simple. You will be pleasantly surprised.
Payment methods
Forch M.
Frequently asked questions
What is your typical process for working with a new student?
Step 1: Know the person, not just the student.
Step 2: Set goals, acknowledge limitations and constraints.
Step 3: Execute. Work closely with, and monitor progress of the student.
What education and/or training do you have that relates to your work?
I do not YET have any formal tutoring training, but I have experience. As an undergraduate, I have been in positions where I acted as tutor to other learners, as well as to myself. I have successfully taught myself and others higher-level subjects both as a curricular and extra-curricular activity.
I am currently working on obtaining formal training and certification.
Do you have a standard pricing system for your lessons? If so, please share the details here.
Yes. I employ a mixture of a cost-based pricing system and a customer-value-based pricing system. The cost of providing my tutoring services (such as cost of transportation, cost of acquiring proprietary tutoring materials, and so on) acts as a "floor" for my pricing.
Then, I adjust my prices depending on other factors, and most importantly on what is considered a fair price by my customers.
The following is a list of pricing options to enable every learner the opportunity to work with me:
Get the first lesson FREE when you purchase at least 6 lessons. Each lesson can be for different subjects or topics.
Watch out for holiday discounts!
How did you get started teaching?
I started teaching after I had to teach myself a Linear Algebra course. This is a higher-level math course(that is, beyond general college math). To give you some context, I am a Computer Science and Finance double-major. The former is very "math-y." During that semester of teaching myself a higher-level math course, I had to understand myself as a learner. I had to learn tips and tricks on how to transform a subject to a form that was easy for me to learn it in. To teach myself, I had to read a math textbook of over 500 pages from cover to cover. In order to do that, I had to learn HOW best to read a textbook fully and quickly. By the end of the semester, I became fascinanted by the learning process. Learning became easy. I started to become confident in myself as a learner. I could learn any subject that was learnable. I ended up getting an A in that Linear Algebra course. This further boosted my confidence in my ability to learn. I started using the things I had learned to teach my siblings, parents, and peers. I realized that teaching wasn't just about knowing the subject matter. Instead it was about whether you could successfully TEACH it. Each person I taught testified of how I had successfully simplified what would've otherwise been an impossible concept.
What types of students have you worked with?
I have worked mostly with middle school students, high school students, college students, and adult learners.
What advice would you give a student looking to hire a teacher in your area of expertise?
Make sure you like the teacher, and enjoy working with them.
What questions should students think through before talking to teachers about their needs?
"What are my weaknesses and strengths?" Students should think critically about their academic (or otherwise) weaknesses and strengths.
"What exactly/specifically are my abilities and challenges?" Students should get very specific and detailed, citing examples if they need to, when they describe their abilities and challenges to teachers.
"What are my short- and long-term goals?" Students should think about their goals, short- and long-term, and how best to achieve them.